Hi. I'm Matt.
Sometime in 2001, a friend of mine called me up one night and asked if I wanted to write a book with him. "Sure," I said, not knowing that I'd just signed away nearly every second of my free time for the next fifteen years (and counting). The book was full of chosen ones and dastardly villains and pretty much every other trope that first-time genre writers use, but I was writing, and writing felt like something I should've been doing all along.
When I decided to get serious about becoming an author, the first thing I did was write short stories. What came out of that was sort of my own personal writing career fair. I wrote horror stories and time travel stories and pretty much hit every check mark on the literary checklist until I started to settle into the groove that felt most natural: Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
The living ghost of Paula Deen haunts me. Maybe she thinks I taste like butter.
Over the years, I've learned that my best writing comes when I write the stories I want to read. As it turns out, I want to read superhero stories. I love my comics, but I didn't want to tell the traditional superhero tale of a guy in a cape and spandex--usually with some form of "Man" in his name--fighting other guys with terrible costumes. I wanted to do a modern take on it, while keeping all of the elements that make a good superhero book, namely a story that's as much about the characters as it is a mix of science fiction and fantasy. I started writing Godsend soon after.
The Circle War series sets the stage for a whole connected universe of superheroes and villains, all battling it out while the people around them learn to adapt in a world of superpowers, gods, and monsters. I can't wait for you to see what comes next.
I'm always willing to chat with people about the writing process, comic book movies, or whatever nonsense you and I have in common. If you ever want to get in touch with me, just use the email button at the top of the page. As long as you're not acting a fool or trying to sell me Vietnamese penis pills, I'll do my best to get back to you.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you like what you see.